Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Glimpse of Me

My name is Denisse Gonzalez and as long as I can rememeber I have always loved the city, thats why I chose to attend college here.  I'm a junior in Baruch College, majoring in accounting and minoring in Italian. I was born, raised and still live in Queens. I enjoy playing soccer and I hope for one day to link that with my interest in business by working for FIFA.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Gonzalez! I just read your blog and I like soccer too. Actually, I am not good player so I like to watch games. Which team (whichever National or League) is your favorite?

  3. Hi Denisse, I am a soccer fan myself, I am very suprised that you would want to work for FIFA, just because not alot of girls like soccer, or none that I have met. it's funny we have more in common than I thought I live in queens too. Hopefully this class brings out all that we have hoped for to learn.
