Sunday, December 12, 2010


Managers do more than just sit around
and command others,
They assist, supervise
and maintain the order

Acting as the middle man between executives and workers,
their job can be far mosre stressful than those of stock brokers
By taking on four different roles,
managers can plan, lead, organize and control
This is known as the management process,
that is established  to minimize a company's losses

While the leader is who establish a vision;
managers are the one who plans and budgets the resources to support and deliver
They aren't only focus on a company's success,
they also have the ability to manage emotion in relationships with their employees
and the rest
Emotional intelligence is what thats called,
this is one of the many hats that managers hold

So before you say that a managers job is a piece of cake,
you should take some time and get your facts straight


  1. I like how you rhytmed management process with company's losses! Overall, very good job! Very informative and has a lot of definitions. Assume you can use it as a study sheet for the final, lol)

  2. I really like the last stanza. You have a way of using words to match the management terms. This is not easy to do, but that doesn't seem to affect you. Great job.
