Monday, December 6, 2010

Communicating via Blog

When the professor told us at the beginning of the semester that we were going to be writing blog entries I was kind of interested but also curious as to how it was going to tie in with the lectures because this was going to be my first class in which blogs were going to be used. Now looking back, I can say that this method was an interesting, and an effective way to learn about the ideas and thoughts of my classmates. Normally one goes to class and rarely interact much with the people around them. But I feel that through the use of the blog getting to know people became a bit easier because you were able to relate to them more. One aspect that I enjoyed about this class were the different activites we did that put into practice several topics that we learned. Blogging about these activities furthered my learning and understanding of them since I had to actually think and tie the activities back to the lecture and notes making it more likely that I would rememeber the key points. The blog did provide an easy link to outside readings. From the few times I checked, there were interesting topics that are always good to have in the back of your head. The fact that I had the power to control a portion of my grade through the use of the blog did give me some sense of security. I do believe this was an fair 20% portion to manage although I admit there were times where I forgot that I had a blog to write. I enjoyed posting my thoughts and feelings on the blog and I hope that I do continue to do so, if time permits or if I rememeber to do so.
Overall,I think the blogs were useful and should remain as a component of this mamagement course. It should stay as it is because it wasn't necessarly hard to do the thing is sometimes it was easy to forget to do it but that responsibility falls on us.


  1. You bring up an interesting point, connecting the class activities to the lecture notes to find key points is very helpful to complete your blog assignments, and actually learn what the material is all about. I can say for myself that sometimes i did'nt understand every single thing we went through in class, but i came back to this blog and figured it out step by step. This blog has made everything thats impossible in the class possible here. Starting from your thoughts to actually expressing your ideas frequently, which some people might not do in class.

  2. Like you, I was also intrigued with the idea of maintaining a blog throughout the semester. The blog assignments was the connecting bridge between the class activities and lectures. I agree that through blogging, we were able to understand and learn the concepts better and also it was easier to remember concepts since we already wrote something about it. I agree that the blog assignments should remain as a grade component of the management course because it certainly benefits everyone and creates the link between class activities and lectures. Good luck maintaining your blog. :)
