Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So I'm conscientiousness...

When the professor told us we were going to do a type of test to see what type of leaders/managers we would be I was eager to find out what my leadership style was. I got a C which stands for conscientiousness and I believe that perfectly describes me.  I am the type of person that not only likes to get things done but get it done the right way; detail by detail. I also believe that I have some traits from D (dominance) because there is often times that I want things done my way, period. I think it is helpful to determine people's management types because its their personality that greatly affect their style of managing and if you see how they manage then you are able to get an idea of how this person is as an individual. By knowing this, it can help you figure out the best approach you can take to work with them and effectively get work done. I think it would help me in other personal interactions because getting a sense of how people are as individuals can greatly help foster a good relationship with them.


  1. I also scored highest on conscientiousness and dominance traits. I believe that it is a parity good mix. We try to do things in the best possible way by paying attention to details. However, we are also assertive and able to react quickly in demanding situations.

  2. my test result also showed high C followed by D. Based on interpretation, a combination of C and D types can be a excellent excellent managers. However, I think combination of C and D types manager can be picky and hard to convince them. Because we want things done by our way and get it done the right way.

  3. I can relate to what your saying but at the same time I also think that this test only determines so much and not everything, people change due to their obstacles. The mind works in mysterious ways. So if we all took the same test over and over I think eventually our answers would change, and some of us that are dominance would become influencial others that are conscientious might become dominance. In life you can never figure out someone 100%.

  4. I suspected that you would end up being a C person. We have two classes together so I know you well enough to say that you are a detailed person who likes defined instructions. You also take your time to think things over when I ask you a question; you never make rash decisions. I'm a C person too so knowing that we think alike would influence me to work on more group assignments with you (if we have anymore).
