Monday, November 1, 2010

The power of envisioning a better future

"Vision without action is just a dream.
Action without vision merely wastes time. 
Vision coupled with action can make things happen!"
These are the quotes that stood out from the video "The Power of Vision" which baiscally spoke about having a vision for your future and making it happen. There are many things I would want to accomplish after graduation one being getting a job in which I would feel comfortable, happy and would actually want to get up in the mornings to go to. This is why I am putting all my effort into actually doing good in all my classes trying to get the best grades that I can possibly get. I would also want to get paid fairly well not because I want to earn alot just for the heck of it but because I would love to be able to set up a foundation or some sort of charty for kids with Downs Syndrome. I know that will take alot of work but I am willing to work "my butt-off" to be able to achieve that by excelling and putting my all in my job. And of course I would also want to give back to the schools that made it possible for me to get where I wanted, which would be my elementary, middle and high schools as well as Baruch. I strongly believe that we must never forget our roots and who helped us along the way.


  1. I agree that we shouldn't forget out roots. Unfortunately not enough people give back to the community as you plan to do.
    I also think it is right to look for a job that you will be happy to go to rather than a job that will pay more in $$$.
    Good luck with everything!

  2. i am 100% with you on this one Denisse. All the people that I know who have graduated from college, found jobs that they hate doing just because of their yearly salary, like you I dont intend on doing that. Someone once said "don't work for money, make your money work for you" so therefore having a job that you love, will in a way get you more money, because you will do your job better. You are more likely to move up in the ranks. I really like that you want to give back to the community, thats really important. Good Luck, and all the best..

  3. Finding that dream job that you love and pays well will take time, but don't give up! And I also agree that remember our roots is one of the most important things that sadly seems to be lost on people in modern times. Just because we make things happen ourselves doesn't mean that we didn't have someone or somewhere to help us get it all started.

  4. To work for those that have speacial needs is wonderful. I feel that no matter where your career ends up you can still find fulfilment in this field there is always time to give and gift would be loved.

  5. I agree its always great to give back because they say when you give back you get back 10 fold so hopefully you will get a lot back whether it be happiness or some other way. If you dont mind me asking why did you choose downs syndrome?
